2019, “Per una crescita inclusiva: analisi e proposte” in Inclusione, Produttività e Crescita: Un’Agenda per l’Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, (maggio 2019)
2018, “La riforma dell’Euro: avanti con passo lento” in L’Italia in Europa: Idee per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile, (a cura di L. Paganetto), Eurilink University Press, Roma, (ISBN: 978 88 85622 39 5), pagg. 181-193, Roma (giugno 2018)
2017, “Les politiques européennes et le futur de l’euro”, Revue Politique Etrangère n. 2/2017 , dell’Institut français des relations internationales, Parigi, pagg. 81-91 (luglio 2017)
2017, “La governance dell’area euro: un passaggio cruciale per l’Europa a diverse velocità“, Rivista Italianieuropei – Fondazione di cultura politica, n. 3/2017 (luglio 2017)
2017, “Politiche per la crescita e completamento dell’UEM”, Volume “Unione europea. 60 anni e un bivio” (a cura di L. Paganetto), Eurilink, Roma, (ISBN 978 88 97931 942), pagg. 97-116 (marzo 2017)
2016, “Il processo di integrazione europea: tra rilancio e frantumazione”, Volume “Crisi dell’Eurozona: serve un Ministro delle finanze?” (a cura di L. Paganetto), Eurilink, Roma, (ISBN 978 88 97931 836), pagg. 109-122 (dicembre 2016)
2016, “Il bazooka monetario non basta a rilanciare l’eurozona”, Volume “Il Piano Juncker per l’Europa in crisi. Verso Industria 4.0 e crescita verde?” (a cura di L. Paganetto), Eurilink, Roma, (ISBN 978-88-97931-768), pagg. 143-151 (settembre 2016)
2016, “L’impatto della globalizzazione sull’integrazione europea e l’economia italiana “, con Fabrizio Saccomanni, Volume “La politica estera dell’Italia: cinquant’anni dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali”, Il Mulino (ISBN 978-88-15-26599-9), pagg. 107-147 (giugno 2016)
2016, “L’area euro dopo Brexit: alla ricerca di una nuova governance”, Rivista Economia Italiana – CESPEM, “Una transazione difficile – L’economia globale e europea nell’era dell’incertezza” – n. 2016/1-2-3, pagg. 31-53 (marzo 2016)
2016, “Quale Road Map per l’Europa?” Rivista di Economia Italiana 1-2-3/2015 “Una ripresa senza crescita?”, Centro Europa Ricerche, pagg. 39-58 (marzo 2016)
2016, “The risk of a prolonged stagnation in the Eurozone and policy challenges”, Volume “Crises in Europe in the transatlantic contest: economic and political appraisals” – Routledge studies in the modern world economy”, Routledge (ISBN 978-1-138-81833-0), pagg. 180-188
2016, “L’interdipendenza tra manifattura e servizi alle imprese: implicazioni per la competitività internazionale”, con Valentina Meliciani, Volume “L’internazionalizzazione dell’economia italiana – Nuove prospettive, nuove politiche?”, Rubbettino (ISBN 978-88-498-4708-6) pagg. 19-48
2014, “Intra-European imbalances, competitiveness and external trade: a comparison between Italy and Germany”, con Pietro Esposito, Volume “Competitiveness in the European Economy – Routledge studies in the European Economy”, Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-71232-3), pagg. 82-104
2014, “Sluggish Growth in the Eurozone: the Long Journey Ahead”, Brookings Institution.
2014, “Per ripartire dalla manifattura”, Economia Italiana, n.1.
2013, “Getting back to growth in Italy and Europe”, Review of Economic conditions in Italy, December.
2013, “Over the wall – Foreign direct investment in China and Europe, and the paths towards economic growth: introduction”, Review of economic condition in Italy, pagg 9-14 (giugno 2013)
2013, “Intra-european imbalances, competitiveness and external trade: a comparison between Italy and Germany”, in Competitiveness in the European Economy (edited by Stefan Collignon and Piero Esposito) Routledge –London.
2013, “The determinants of macroeconomic imbalances in the Euro area: the Role of External Performances”, in Public Debt, Global Governance and Economic Dynamism (edited by Luigi Paganetto) Springer-Verlag Italia, (with P. Esposito).
2013, “Intra-European imbalances, adjustment, and growth in the Eurozone“, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Oxford University Press, vol. 28(3), pages 532-550, Autumn.
2013, “The use of business services and international competitiveness in Europe: a sectoral analysis”, Review of Economic Conditions in Italy, December, 2013 (with Rinaldo Evangelista, Valentina Meliciani).
2012, “Italia e Germania: due modelli di crescita export-led a confronto (Is Germany a model to copy for Italy? A comparison between two export led growth models)”, Economia e Politica Industriale , Fasc. 2, 2012 (with P. Esposito).
2012,“Intra-European Imbalances: the Need for a Positive-sum-game Approach”, International Economics, Chatham House briefing paper, December 2012, IE BP 2012/03,
2012, “The Eurozone Crisis Still Threatens Global Growth. in New Challenges for the Global Economy”, New Uncertainties for the G-20, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., June
2012, “Trade openness and production fragmentation”, Review of International Economics (special issue), (with F. Vergara Caffarelli), Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 535-551. August
2011, “The risk of prolonged stagnation and the need of international concerted action”, in Beyond Macroeconomic Policy Coordination Discussions in the G-20, Brookings, Washington DC,
2010, “Multipolar governance and global imbalances”, International Affairs, Volume 86, Issue 3, pages 681–692, May
2009, “A continuous time model of European growth, integration and technology diffusion: the role of distance”, Economic Modeling, 26 (3), 163-170 (with B.Maggi, V.Meliciani,P.C.Padoan).
2007, “Special Interest Groups and Trade Policy in the EU”, Open Economies Review, vol. 19, n. 4, 457-478, (with M.Belloc).
2007, The dynamics of export specialisation in the regions of the Italian Mezzogiorno: persistence and change. Regional studies , vol. 41, no. 7, 933-948, (with S.Iammarino).
2006, The Trade Regionalism of the United States and the European Union: Cooperative or Competitive Strategies. International Trade Journal, 20, 3, 85-93, (with D.Dimon).
2006, Old and New Forms of Clustering and Production Networks in Changing Technological Regimes: Contrasting Evidence from Taiwan and Italy. Science, Technology and Society, vol. 11, n.1, 9-38, (with C.Pietrobelli).
2009, A continuous time model of European growth, integration and technology diffusion: the role of distance. Economic Modeling, 26 (3), 163-170 (with B.Maggi, V.Meliciani,P.C.Padoan).
2007, Special Interest Groups and Trade Policy in the EU. Open Economies Review, vol. 19, n. 4, 457-478, (with M.Belloc).
2007, The dynamics of export specialisation in the regions of the Italian Mezzogiorno: persistence and change. Regional studies , vol. 41, no. 7, 933-948, (with S.Iammarino).
2006, The Trade Regionalism of the United States and the European Union: Cooperative or Competitive Strategies. International Trade Journal, 20, 3, 85-93, (with D.Dimon).
2006, Old and New Forms of Clustering and Production Networks in Changing Technological Regimes: Contrasting Evidence from Taiwan and Italy. Science, Technology and Society, vol. 11, n.1, 9-38, (with C.Pietrobelli).
2006, EU’s Regional Trade Strategy, the Challenges Ahead, The International Trade Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2., 139-184.
2005, “Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, (with V. Meliciani)
2005, “Technology diffusion, services and endogenous growth in Europe. Is the Lisbon strategy useful?”, Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 95, pp. 271-317 and Working Paper International Monetary Fund (with P., B. Maggi, V. Meliciani, P.C. Padoan);
2004, “Industrial Districts’ Evolution and Technological Regimes: Italy and Taiwan” Technovation, 24 , pp.899–914 (with C.Pietrobelli).
2004, “Which factors affect IT investment in European countries? A panel data analysis”, in Rivista di Politica Economica, January-February 2005, 3rd series, (with P., C. Jona-Lasinio, S. Manzocchi)
2003,“Real Competitive Advantage in the Single Currency Europe” in Regional Convergence in the European Union Facts, Prospects and Policies by Cuadrado-Roura, J.R., Parellada, M., (eds.), Springer
2002,“Global Governance and Telecommunication Regimes” in Trade, Investment and Competition Policies in the Global Economy: The Case of the International Telecommunication Regime, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, 2002.
2002,“Trade opennes, industrial change and economic development” in Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries, by Josè Maria Fanelli and Rohinton Medhora (eds.), Routledge Studies in Development Economics, London and New York.
2002,“Il commercio internazionale nell’alta tecnologia’ (International trade in high-tech sectors), in L’Italia nella competizione tecnologica Internazionale: Terzo Rapporto, edited by S. Ferrari et al., Franco Angeli, Milan.
2001,“The Dynamics of Italian Industrial Districts: Towards A Renewal of Competitiveness?”, in The Global Challenge to Industrial Districts: Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Italy and Taiwan, Edward Elgar, London, (with S.Iammarino)
2001,“Models of Industrial Districts and Technological Regimes”, in The Global Challenge to Industrial Districts: Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Italy and Taiwan, Edward Elgar, London, 2001 (with C.Pietrobelli)
2001,“Trade Openness, industrial change and economic development”, in Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries, edited by J.M.Fanelli and R.Medhora, Routledge, London and New York
2000, “Global Regionalism: trends and perspectives”, in Global Governance, Regionalism and The Global Economy, co-edited with H.E.Scharrer, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, (with I.Falautano).
2000, “The Millennium Round and Developing Countries: Main Areas of Negotiations” paper for the First Conference of the Global Development Network, promoted by the World Bank “GDN99: Bridging Knowlegde and Policy”, Bonn, 5-8 December 1999, The International Spectator, IAI, n.2/2000, (with I. Falautano).
1999, “International Competitiveness, Regional Integration and Corporate Strategies in the East Asian electronic Industries”, in Rivalry or Riches: International Production Networks in Asia, edited by M.Borrus, D.Ernst, S.Haggard, Routledge, San Diego.
1999, “Patterns of national specialisations in the Global Competitive Environment”, in Innovation Policy in a Global Economy, edited by D.Archibugi, C.J. Howells, J.Nichie, Cambridge University Press, UK.
1999, “La Competitività tecnologica dei Paesi Europei” (Technological competitiveness in the EU countries) , in L’Italia nella competizione tecnologica Internazionale, edited by S. Ferrari et al., Franco Angeli, Milan.
1999, “Technology and Structural Change in the Trade Pattern of the Former Centrally Planned Economies”, in Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A quantitative approach, edited by D.A. Dyker, S. Radosevich, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston, London.
1998, Trade patterns and regimes in Asia and Pacific, in Asia-Pacific Crossroads, V.K. Aggarwal and C.E.Morrison (eds.), San Martin’s Press, New York,
1998, International patterns of technological accumulation and trade, in Trade, Growth and Technical Change, D.Archibugi and J.Michie (eds.), Cambridge University Press (with. G.Amendola and P.C.Padoan)
1998, “Agglomeration Economies, Cluster Effects and Industrial Districts: a Survey of the Literature”, mimeo TSER Project, Rome: Institute of International Affairs. (with S. Iammarino and C. Pietrobelli)
1998, High-technology industries and international competition, in Trade, Growth and Technical Change, D.Archibugi and J.Michie (eds.), Cambridge University Press (with. C. Milana)
1998, La nuova fase di competizione globale e le politiche economiche estere dei paesi più avanzati (The new phase of global competition and the foreign economic policies of the most advanced countries) in Per una politica economica estera dell’Italia nell’era della competizione globale (Italy’s Foreign Economic Policy in the Global Age), P.Guerrieri and G.Bonvicini (eds.), Il Mediocredito Centrale
1998, “The Dynamics of International Competitiveness: First Results from an Analysis at the Industry Level”, in LABOUR, Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, vol.12, n.2, summer, pp. 239-253
1998, Cambiamento tecnologico e competitività dell’Europa e dell’Italia, (Technological change and the competitiveness of Europe and Italy) in Tecnologia, crescita e occupazione, (Technology, Growth and Employment), (editor and contributor), CUEN, Napoli
1998, Patterns of national specialization in the global competitive environment, in Technological Globalisation: the End of the Nation State? (D.Archibugi and J.Michie), Cambridge U.P., 1997
1997, Interindustry Differences in Technical Change and National Patterns of Technological Accumulation, in Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, C.Edquist (ed.), Oxford University Press (con A.Tylecote), 1997.
1996, Patterns of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in European Manufacturing: “Convergence” or “Polarisation”? in Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, a. I, n. 2, Agosto (con S. Manzocchi), 1996.
1996, Cultural and institutional determinants of national technological advantage: equilibrium dynamics versus path-dependence in the European case, in Technology and Structure, ASEAT Manchester U.P., U.K., (con A. Tylecote), 1996.
1996, Strategic Trade Policy: a Review of the Theoretical Debate, in The International Trade Journal, Volume 10, No.1, Spring (con P.C. Padoan), 1996.
1995, Changes and Trends in the World Trade in High Technology Industries, Cambridge Journal of Economics, febbraio, con C.Milana
1995, “Superlatives indexes of price competitiveness and effective exchange rates”, in Patterns of Trade, Competition and Trade Policies, B.Quintieri (ed.), Avebury, England (con C.Milana)
1994, National Competitive Advantages and Microeconomic Behaviour: the European Case, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol.3, (with A.Tylecote).
1994, “Trade Integration of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union into the World Economy : A Structuralist Approach”, in B. Crawford (ed.), ‘Markets, States, and Democracy: The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transformation’, Westview Press, Berkeley, Calif., 1994
1994, L’Italia ed il Mercato Interno Europeo: tra convergenza e polarizzazione, in L’Economia italiana dagli anni Settanta agli anni Novanta, F.Pizzuti (ed.), McGraw-Hill Italia (con S.Manzocchi e P.C.Padoan)
1993, Convergenze reali e processo di integrazione in Europa: le sfide da raccogliere, in Europa-Europe, 3, II
1993, New Indicators of Price Competitiveness and Effective Exchange Rates, Welwirtschaftliches Archiv, no. 4, (with C.Milana).
1993, Mercato Interno, Modelli di Specializzazione e Politiche Industriali, in CER/IRS, Rapporto sulla Industria e Politica Industriale Italiana, 1993, Il Mulino, Bologna (with S.Manzocchi, P.C.Padoan)
1993, Trade Patterns of Eastern Europe and European Economic Integration, in Wolfgang Blaas and John Foster (eds) Mixed Economies in Europe: East and West, Cheltenham: Elgar
1992, International Patterns of Technological Accumulation and Trade, Journal of International Comparative Economics, n. 3, (with G.Amendola e P.C.Padoan).
1992, European Integration and Economic Policies: A Three Level Game, The International Spectator, vol. XXVII, No. 2 April-June, pp. 17-30
1992, International Competitiveness of Eastern Europe and East-West Trade Integration, in International Trade and Finance in a Rapidly Changing Environment, K. Fatemi (editor), vol. IV, Laredo State University Press, Laredo (Texas)
1992, Specializzazione commerciale e specializzazione tecnologica: un confronto internazionale, in A. Boitani, E. Ciciotti (eds.), Innovazione e competitività nell’industria italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna (with G.Amendola, P.C.Padoan)
1992, L’economia mondiale tra interdipendenza e oligopolio, in L’Italia verso il 2000: Le Istituzioni, la società, l’economia, AA.VV, vol. I, SIPI, Collana Studi e Ricerche, Confindustria Centro Studi, Roma (with P.C.Padoan)
1992, “Technology and International Trade Performance of the Most Advanced Countries”, BRIE Working Paper, University of California, Berkeley