


Inclusione, Produttività, Crescita: Un’Agenda per l’Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019 (with C. Dell’Aringa)

– The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies: Measuring Inclusion and Diffusion in Europe,Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA, 2011 (with S. Bentivegna),

Business Services: the New Frontier of Competitiveness, IAI e Fondazione Masi, Rubbettino, 2010, (with G.Giovannetti, B.Quintieri),

L’architettura del mondo nuovo: governance economica e sistema multipolare, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010 (with D.Lombardi).

Economia europea: tra crisi e sfide globali (The European economy: between crisis and global challenges), Il Mulino, 145, 2009 (with Padoan,P.C).

Modelling ICT as a general purpose technology : evaluation models and tools for assessment of innovation and sustainable development at the EU level, Collegium UP, 195, 2007 (with Padoan,P.C).

Cultural Diversity and International Economic Integration, Edward Elgar, 287 2005 (with Iapadre,L., Koopmann,G).

Free Trade and Multilateral Rules (The Wto and the new multilateral round), (editor), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003

L’’Italia nella competizione tecnologica internazionale (Italy in the global technological competition), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2002 (with S.Ferrari, F. Malerba, S.Mariotti)

Trade, Investment and Competition Policies in the Global Economy: The Case of the International Telecommunication Regime, (editor with H.S. Scharrer), Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, 2002.

The Global Challenge to Industrial Districts: Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Italy and Taiwan, Edward Elgar, London, 2001 (with S.Iammarino and C.Pietrobelli)

Global Governance, Regionalism and the Internationmal Economy, (with H.E.Scharrer), Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2000

The Economic Challenge for Europe: Adapting to Innovation Based Growth (with J.Fagerberg e B.Verspagen), Edward Elgar, London, 1999

Tecnologia, crescita e occupazione, (Technology, Growth and Employment), (editor and contributor), Città della Scienza, CUEN, Napoli (con M.Pianta), 1998

Per una politica economica estera dell’Italia nell’era della competizione globale (Italy’s Foreign Economic Policy in the Global Age), (editor and contributor), Il Mediocredito Centrale, Roma (con G.Bonvicini), 1997

New Challenges to International Cooperation: Adjustment of Firms, Policies and Organizations to Global Competition, co-editor and contributor, (University ofCalifonia, San Diego, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, 1993) (with P.Gourevitch)

Politiche economiche nazionali e regimi internazionali (National Economic Policies and International Regimes), co-editor and contributor, (Franco Angeli, Milano, 1991) (with P.C.Padoan)

L’Italia e il commercio mondiale (Italy and the World Trade), co-author, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1990) (with C.Milana)

La sfida high-tech (The Challenge in High-Tech Competition), co-editor and contributor, (Milano: Il Sole-24 ORE, 1990) (with E.Sassoon)

The Political Economy of European Integration, co-editor and contributor, (London, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf , 1989) (with P.C.Padoan).

The Political Economy of International Cooperation, co-editor and contributor, (London: Croom Helm, 1988) (with P.C.Padoan).