– Inclusione, Produttività, Crescita: Un’Agenda per l’Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019 (with C. Dell’Aringa)
– The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies: Measuring Inclusion and Diffusion in Europe,Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA, 2011 (with S. Bentivegna),
– Business Services: the New Frontier of Competitiveness, IAI e Fondazione Masi, Rubbettino, 2010, (with G.Giovannetti, B.Quintieri),
– L’architettura del mondo nuovo: governance economica e sistema multipolare, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010 (with D.Lombardi).
– Economia europea: tra crisi e sfide globali (The European economy: between crisis and global challenges), Il Mulino, 145, 2009 (with Padoan,P.C).
– Modelling ICT as a general purpose technology : evaluation models and tools for assessment of innovation and sustainable development at the EU level, Collegium UP, 195, 2007 (with Padoan,P.C).
– Cultural Diversity and International Economic Integration, Edward Elgar, 287 2005 (with Iapadre,L., Koopmann,G).
– Free Trade and Multilateral Rules (The Wto and the new multilateral round), (editor), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003
– L’’Italia nella competizione tecnologica internazionale (Italy in the global technological competition), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2002 (with S.Ferrari, F. Malerba, S.Mariotti)
– Trade, Investment and Competition Policies in the Global Economy: The Case of the International Telecommunication Regime, (editor with H.S. Scharrer), Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, 2002.
– The Global Challenge to Industrial Districts: Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Italy and Taiwan, Edward Elgar, London, 2001 (with S.Iammarino and C.Pietrobelli)
– Global Governance, Regionalism and the Internationmal Economy, (with H.E.Scharrer), Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2000
– The Economic Challenge for Europe: Adapting to Innovation Based Growth (with J.Fagerberg e B.Verspagen), Edward Elgar, London, 1999
– Tecnologia, crescita e occupazione, (Technology, Growth and Employment), (editor and contributor), Città della Scienza, CUEN, Napoli (con M.Pianta), 1998
– Per una politica economica estera dell’Italia nell’era della competizione globale (Italy’s Foreign Economic Policy in the Global Age), (editor and contributor), Il Mediocredito Centrale, Roma (con G.Bonvicini), 1997
– New Challenges to International Cooperation: Adjustment of Firms, Policies and Organizations to Global Competition, co-editor and contributor, (University ofCalifonia, San Diego, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, 1993) (with P.Gourevitch)
– Politiche economiche nazionali e regimi internazionali (National Economic Policies and International Regimes), co-editor and contributor, (Franco Angeli, Milano, 1991) (with P.C.Padoan)
– L’Italia e il commercio mondiale (Italy and the World Trade), co-author, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1990) (with C.Milana)
– La sfida high-tech (The Challenge in High-Tech Competition), co-editor and contributor, (Milano: Il Sole-24 ORE, 1990) (with E.Sassoon)
– The Political Economy of European Integration, co-editor and contributor, (London, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf , 1989) (with P.C.Padoan).
– The Political Economy of International Cooperation, co-editor and contributor, (London: Croom Helm, 1988) (with P.C.Padoan).