Svolgimento dell’ultima lezione del corso:
European Economic Studies
European Economic Integration and Business (EEIB)
optional course, second semester, 4.5 ECTS, 30 h.
The course provides both a description and analysis of the formation of an European Single market and the interrelated strategies of FDI and transnational corporations by laying great emphasis on the European economic space. A key objective of the course is to offer a conceptual framework and some analytical tools to investigate the increasing integration of European markets and the internationalization of economic activity.
The course is divided into four parts.
1. The first part offers some basic knowledge of the theory of foreign direct investment and free capital mobility either in the EU and at the world level.
2. In the second part various issues related to the interaction between transnational corporations (TNCs) and regional economic integration are examined in an analytical context.
3. The international fragmentation of production and dynamic effects of the EU integration are dealt with in the third part.
4. The fourth part deals with the competitive position and specialisation patterns of Europe in light of the advanced integration process and analyses the spatial effects of the EU integration.
College of Europe, Bruges